Best Dungeness Crab Ceviche Recipe – Catch & Cook

I love ceviche! And I love to experiment with Ceviche recipes with our local NW seafood. I’ve done Salmon Ceviche in the past and this time I’m trying our local Dungeness Crab Ceviche. I went out and caught this dungeness crab with my crab tongs at low tide, you can see that in the video further below. Here are the ingredients and steps for an incredible dungeness crab ceviche recipe. Enjoy!

Crab Ceviche Ingredients & Measurements

  • 1/2 cup finely chopped tomato, seeded
  • 1/4 cup finely diced red onion
  • 1 jalapeno or serrano pepper, seeds removed and diced
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8-10 ounces (1/2 lb) dungeness crab (broken up)
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 avocado, diced

Dungeness Crab Ceviche Recipe

Step 1 – Go catch some Dungeness Crabs! Or get some at your local seafood market. 2 large Dungeness crab will easily get your 8-10 ounces of meat. Alternatively, you could use this same recipe with imitation crab. 

Step 2 – Boil or Steam the crabs for 15 minutes. The length of time is dependent on the size of the crabs. I’ve even baked them before! However you like to do it… cook your crab. 

Step 3 – Remove the meat from the crab into a separate bowl. I recommend using crab utensils like the cracker and narrow crab fork. This will really speed up the process. 

Prepare the Ceviche

Step 4 – Cut up the red onions, tomatoes and pepper. Add the chopped ingredients into a glass bowl, do not use a plastic bowl or anything that will react with lemon/lime acid. 

Step 5 – Add the Lemon and Lime juice, sprinkle the table salt on. With a spoon mix up the ingredients. 

Step 6 – Tear a part the crab into nice small/mid size pieces. Add the crab meat to the other ingredients. And mix. 

Step 7 – Place the ceviche bowl into the fridge for 30 minutes to as much as 2 hours. The crab is already cooked, so we’re not worried about that. We’re letting the lime and lemon juice react with all the ingredients. If you want tougher crab meat leave in the fridge longer. 

Step 8 – After the 30 minutes (or so) take out the ceviche from fridge. Chop up the cilantro and the avocado. And all everything together. Give a light mix. 

Step 9 – Try the ceviche at this point. Optional: You could add more salt or perhaps some additional spices based on whatever your favorite seafood seasoning is.

Step 10 – Make sure you combo the ceviche with some crunchy chips and beer! My favorite are sea salted tortilla chips.  


Dungeness Catch and Cook – Ceviche Recipe

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