About Me

My name is Jesse, I live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I’m married to an incredible woman named Sabrina and we have 2 young bucks (and future fishermen) named Asher & Levi. I’ve been passionate about fishing since I was a toddler trying to catch fish with my minnow net in any type of water. I also love researching and buying fishing tackle. In fact, I may have a tackle addiction which is a big part of the why I created this site, which my wife would say “is a healthier and more affordable outlet”.

About BC Fishing Journal (BCFJ)

I’ve found a lot of value in keeping a fishing journal of my fishing trips, tackle and strategies. Over time I’m seeing patterns amongst fish behavior, lures, run times and water conditions from these journals. In putting these journals, tips and tackle recommendations online I’m hoping to promote sports fishing in a respectful and educational format for all ages. My hope is that BCFJ would be an interesting and informative site based on my few successes and countless failures.
Fishing Garage with Kayak

Fish Advocacy & Conservancy

I am against aquaculture fish farming as they’ve had a devastating impact on our wild fish species. I’m continually shocked how many of our governments manage these important resources (I’m talking governments worldwide).

I’m a big advocate for Trout & Salmon here in the Pacific NW area but also follow these fish around the globe (Scotland, England, Norway, Chile, etc.). There are so many fantastic organizations doing incredible work to maintain fish species as a precious resource they are. An example of these organizations is the BC Federation of Drift Fishermen (BCFDF). I’m a member of BCFDF and support the fantastic work they do with many other organizations here in BC, Alaska & Washington. They are constantly pushing to ensure us little guys on the bank can fish! I highly recommend you check out their membership program. I’m also a member at Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition which is dedicated to promoting healthy watersheds in the Fraser Valley. They support many important projects like building/restoring Salmon spawning grounds. I’m also a member at the Fraser River SportFishing Alliance. They too are another great organization fighting for fish habitat, anglers rights and supporting our precious fish resources here in BC.

I’ve recently become a member of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. Backcountry Hunters & Anglers provides great ways to connect with the hunting and fishing community in your area. They promote hunting and fishing all over North America through education and work on behalf of wild public lands, waters and wildlife.

If you ever want more information on fish advocacy and conservancy I post most of the important fish stories happening right now on the BCFJ Facebook page.



Deep Cove Dock

What type of Content is on this website?

Journal posts come in a variety of subjects from details on my fishing trips, fishing in politics and other social responsibility posts.

Tips are educational pages on a number of fishing topics like How To’s, tackle setups, fishing location maps, fishing strategies, recipes and many more educational topics.

Gear / Tackle posts detail my obsession with fishing tackle/gear. Here I include all my tackle recommendations and research for all types of species, water and fishing categories. I hope this saves you some time when you’re buying tackle!

YouTube channel and Gallery content is another creative fishing outlet for me. I love bringing my GoPro & camera along during my fishing excursions and finding new perspectives to capture the outdoors. On my YouTube channel I’m looking to build quality content in relation to fishing action, education and tackle reviews.

Check these pages out and would love to receive any feedback! Lastly, please feel free to drop me a comment or question on the Contact page.

Somass River Chinook

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